
This document will outline, how you can contribute to this online documentation. Firstly though, if you never worked with a Read the Docs documentation, we recommend the following online resources to learn all about how you can edit reStructuredText (.rst) files:

How to edit RST files

This section will describe, how you can edit the .rst files with Visual Studio Code. Even though the Visual Studio Code setup is described, any text editor can edit reStructuredText.

Installing Sphinx

Sphinx is needed to be able to compile and preview the RST files. It can be installed using conda. Here, we use the miniconda distribution. We recommend installing miniconda into a directory that provides enough disk space (default is in you home directory, you may want to use a different directory).

Install miniconda:

chmod +x

After installing conda, you can create a conda environment for this documentaion, so that it won’t interfere with any other conda environment. Afterwards you can activate the environment.

Create and activate Met.3D documentation conda environment:

conda create -n met3d_docs
conda activate met3d_docs

Afterwards, you can install the sphinx package using

Install Sphinx:

conda install -c conda-forge sphinx

You would also need to install the Read the Docs sphinx theme, to correctly preview the documentation. The theme will be installed using PIP, which should have been installed with Sphinx.

Install Read the Docs theme:

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

Installing Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is available on their website. It can also be downloaded from the Snap Store, if you use Ubuntu, for example. After installing it, you can open the project folder with it. In case of this documentation, you would open the docs folder in the repository.

Installing RST extensions

Visual Studio Code still needs some extensions to be able to edit RST files. For that, head to the extension tab on the left hand task bar in the editor.

There install the following extensions:

After installing these extensions, go to File → Preferences → Settings and search for esbonio.sphinx.buildDir. There you can set the build directory of the resulting html files you can use for preview.

Editing the RST files

If everything is installed correctly, you should be able to edit the .rst files. Every time you edit them, the reStructuredText extension will automatically build the html files. You can also manually trigger a re-build, by pressing on the esbonio button on the lower right of the editor.

Contribution guidelines

This section will go over the contribution guidelines for the documentation.

File structure

The documentation follows a simple file structure. Each page, that has sub-pages, has to have a folder where all sub-pages belong to.


| |-first_steps.rst
| |-figs

In the example, first_steps.rst is a sub-page of getting_started.rst. That is, why it is located in the getting_started folder.

Figures are located in another sub-folder called figs. This folder contains all figures for the sub-pages of getting_started.


Figures are always located in a figs folder next to the page. Figures should be saved as a .webp file with lossy compression at low quality to save space You can convert all images in a folder to this format by using image-magick’s mogrify command:


mogrify -format webp -quality 30 -define webp:lossless=false *.png

The example converts all .png files in the folder to lossy compressed .webp files. The quality is set to 30%, though that depends on the image and its readability.

Generally, avoid uploading too large images.